Jam and Coconut Slice

I adapted this recipe from one I found on Exclusively Food.  Oscar can’t have desiccated coconut, but fresh coconut is a moderate salicylate food, so he can have it occasionally.  This slice freezes well so it good one for having handy to take out.Instructions for opening coconuts are on the Basics page. Jam and Coconut Slice Jam and Coconut Slice (Moderate Salicylate, Low Amines, Low Glutamates) This recipe makes about 18 pieces  150g (1 cup) self-raising flour, sifted 180g (3/4 cup + 3 teaspoons) caster sugar 30g margarine or butter 2 large eggs (minimum weight of 59g) 60-90g (2-3 slightly rounded tablespoons) pear jam 1 1/4 cup fresh coconut, grated Preheat the oven to 170 C. Grease and line an 18cm x 28cm slice pan with baking paper.  Combine the flour and 90g caster sugar in a medium bowl. Using your fingertips, rub in the margarine/butter until the ingredients are … Continue reading