Preparing for Easter

Today I made Hot Cross Buns – a trial for Easter. Oscar can’t have commercial hot cross buns as they all have preservatives and “spices” in them. Last year I tried to make a failsafe version of Swedish Semlor (Lenten Buns), a custard filled bun, but something went terribly wrong and I ended up with a dough so sticky that it couldn’t be kneaded and had to be scraped off the bench with a knife. It took hours to clean up the mess. I decided to have one more go at baking with yeast, so I chose a choc-chip hot cross buns recipeto modify. I was a bit worried to start with as the initial dough was very sticky and it didn’t rise as much as the recipe said it would, but they turned out beautifully! I’ve frozen a couple so that Oscar can take them to day care when … Continue reading