Quinoa Porridge

Quinoa Porridge

Serves 1
Cook time 20 minutes
Allergy / Intolerance Amines, Artificial Addititives, Artificial Colours, Dairy, Egg, Glutamates, Preservatives, Salicylates, Wheat
Suitable for Dairy / Lactose Free, Gluten Free, RPAH Elimination Diet - Low Chemical / Failsafe, RPAH Elimination Diet - Moderate Chemical, Salicylate Challenge
Meal type Breakfast
Misc Serve Warm
Delicious, healthy quinoa porridge, with fresh pear or apple.


  • 1/4 cup quinoa (rinsed well)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup milk (or milk substitute)
  • 1 Medium pear or apple (peeled and grated)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla (extract)


  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon


1. Place the quinoa and water into a small saucepan. Bring to the boil on high heat, then reduce to low. Cover and cook until soft, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
2. Add the milk, apple, vanilla and cinnamon (if using).
3. Allow to simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, uncovered and stirring frequently, until creamy. Additional milk can be added.
Serve as is, sprinkled with brown sugar or drizzled with rice malt syrup. You can also add some chopped cashews (and almonds if tolerated).
Quinoa Porridge


Low/Moderate Salicylates, Low Amines, Low Glutamates

Rinse the quinoa well, otherwise the porridge will have bitter taste.

Variations: replacing the milk with cream makes this breakfast a bit more decadent (and not for everyday), but definitely delicious.

Use Red or Golden delicious apples for a moderate salicylate version, and cinnamon if a small amount of salicylates can be tolerated.

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