Pumpkin and Lentil Soup and Vegetable Bread Rolls

Still using up Oscar’s pumpkin I decided to make pumpkin soup and found and modified a recipe from Kidspot for pumpkin and lentil soup. Knowing that there was zero chance that Oscar would try it I also pulled out a recipe that had been in my “Recipes to try one day” folder for  more than a year – Vegetable Garden Bread from Cooks.com.  I had put off trying it because I don’t think I have made bread since Home Economics in high school, but after the success of the Hot Cross BunsI thought I’d give it a go.  The soup has a really lovely flavour (and as predicted Oscar pushed it away), but the stand out performer was the bread rolls – so yummy that Oscar ate 2 of them and didn’t even comment on the green or orange bits.  The only downside is that bread is quite a time consuming process – 2 1/2 hours from start to finish, although a lot of that is rising time.  So I think it will be a repeat performer but maybe not every week.

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