Spelt Carrot Muffins with Quinoa Sprinkles

Oscar loves cakes and muffins and asks to make them all the time, so I try to make them a bit healthier when I can.  We often cook with carrots, but this recipe from Super Healthy Kids is the first recipe I’ve seen using puree rather than just grated carrot, so I decided to give it a go. This recipe was already pretty healthy, but I substituted wholemeal flour for spelt and used apple sauce to reduce the sugar and oil.

A few days before I made these Frilly Pants posted on Facebook that she had sprinkled quinoa on top of some muffins, so I decided to give it a go as well.  Surprisingly Oscar loved these “new seeds”, so I think they may become a regular feature.  Hubby made the observation that they are the size and texture of sprinkles without the sugar, so maybe that’s why Oscar loved them so much. 🙂

[gmc_recipe 12007]


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