Jessica Watson Dancing for the World Food Program

I’m not a big fan of Dancing with the Stars, in fact I rarely even watch it. However, this season Jessica Watson is dancing to support the World Food Program, a charity which Cooking for Oscar also supports through We Feedback. Jessica is a WFP Youth Representative and a We Feedback supporter as well. A percentage of each vote received for Jessica goes to WFP in support of their school meals programme in Laos. “WFP provides school meals to an average of 22 million children each year in 60 countries. Why? Because providing a nutritious meal to children in school is one of the best ways of breaking the cycle of hunger that traps nearly a billion people globally. Here are four things that make school meals such a powerful tool: 1. Incredibly cost-effective In regions that suffer from hunger, school meals play a vital role in breaking the hunger-poverty … Continue reading