Woolworth’s Ham Update

Just thought I’d give you an update on how my complaint to Woolworth’s about removing the Hans All Natural Ingedients Ham went.  I was initially contacted by Melissa, who went to a lot of effort over 2 days to contact me by phone.  She expressed concern that Wooolworths had stopped stocking something that there was no altenative for.  She also told me that my complaint had gone to the wrong department and she would forward it on the the deli department.  But she did say that Woolworths will be stocking the All Natural Ham in pre-packaged form from late May.  Which was nice of her to tell me, but the pre-packaged versions always cost heaps more than at the deli! Less than an hour after this phone call I received an email from Pipan in Deli Smallgoods department.  It doesn’t say much and it looks like a standard form response. … Continue reading