4 Responses to Zucchini Soup

  1. Oscar's Mum says:

    I think I might have to try that, especially once the weather starts getting colder. I love soup!

  2. Lauren says:

    The only way my two youngest (22months and 3 & a half) will eat soup is on buttered toast fingers dipped in to the soup. Once the toast is finished so is the soup. But at least they get some.

  3. Oscar's Mum says:

    I've never managed to get Oscar to eat soup since we started the elimination diet, and this was no different. I liked it, but its probably not a good one for little zucchini haters though as it does taste like zucchini.

  4. Frillypants says:

    Just wondering how this one went down? Zucchini must be hidden in this house.