More Hot Cross Buns

Today I made some more hot cross buns, fruit ones this time, with dried pear, paw paw and banana.  I used the same base recipe as the choc-chip hot cross buns, replacing the choc-chips with dried fruit, a plain white cross and golden syrup for the glaze.  The golden syrup makes a much stickier, sweeter glaze than the water and sugar option.  I also had more success with the dough; the milk and yeast was much frothier than with the choc-chip buns and I got much more rising from the dough.  The verdict – we all scoffed them down, and Oscar didn’t even question the inclusion of the dried fruit, in fact he thought they were lollies!
[gmc_recipe 911]

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3 Responses to More Hot Cross Buns

  1. Oscars Mum says:

    I’ll be making a big batch this weekend too. Hope you enjoy them!

  2. Nicole says:

    OMG! Thank you. My 4 children are all on elimination and our eldest is very sensitive to salicylates. I am so excited to mke them hot cross buns this weekend. Good luck!