Pumpkin Muffins

The first time I made these muffins Oscar helped me make them in the morning.  That night we were having a roast for dinner and while I was preparing the vegetables Oscar came into the kitchen.  This is the conversation that followed.
Oscar: what’s that mum?
Mum: Carrot
Oscar: I don’t like carrot………..what’s that?
Mum: Swede
Oscar: I don’t like swede………..what’s that?
Mum: Pumpkin
Oscar: I don’t like pumpkin.
Mum (getting a bit exasperated): What vegetables do you like Oscar?
Oscar: Those (pointing to the pumpkin muffins)!At least he’s eating some form of vegetable!The recipe is based on a gluten free recipe from Friendly Food and is listed as a breakfast recipe.  The muffins are quite sweet, a little bit too sweet for me, so I would probably use less sugar next time.
[gmc_recipe 754]
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4 Responses to Pumpkin Muffins

  1. Kate says:

    Woweeeee.tried them and they are awesome! Really yum.iadded half a banana, because I had one and that was delish too! Didn’t have pear juice so used soy milk for a dairy and egg free treat. Will definitely be making again.thanks for the recipe!

  2. Kate says:

    These look great…but do they need egg?