No-Tomato Spaghetti and Meatballs

We went to Good Food and Wine show a couple of weeks ago and one of things I found, that I really loved was a range of wholegrain pastas from Pangkarra Foods in the Clare Valley.  I bought some there (definitely not enough) and decided to try and make a no-tomato sauce for spaghetti and meatballs.  Something I hadn’t tried yet.  The inspiration for the sauce came from my No-Tomato Sauce and Pumpkin and Lentil Pasta recipes.  It was a winner, even Oscar ate it with no complaints.  Well he did have one: “Meatballs are supposed to be brown mum”.  He has “brown” ones at day care, but as we eat mostly white meat at home these were chicken.  Of course the meatballs can be made with any flavour of meat you choose.


Pangkarra Spaghetti


[gmc_recipe 6427]


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4 Responses to No-Tomato Spaghetti and Meatballs

  1. Karina says:

    Thisis quitesimilar tothe pasta sauce I created. I used leek, beetroot, carrot, red lentils and vegetable stock. I make up a big batch of the thick soup and freeze it. I like spag bol, so i minced some fresh lamb…. Tasted very good. I will give the meatballs a go next!

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Thanks Karina, your sauce sounds good too. I haven’t done anything with beetroot as I’m not a big fan, but may have to try it.

  2. Evelyn says:

    Haha! ‘Meatballs are supposed to be brown!’ haha… I have not had anything ‘brown’ for 3 years now! 😛