No-Tomato Sauce & Nectarine and Sour Cream Cake

Welcome back for 2012.

It’s been a busy time in the kitchen at Oscar’s house this summer.  We’ve had a breakthrough with vegetables, with Oscar suddenly eating orange ones (carrot and sweet potato) without complaint, and even some greens ones!  I’ve been putting them into more meals to keep his interest up – salads, sweet potato fries, spring rolls.  My big success in the kitchen was to make a sauce for Oscar that could compete with the tomato sauce that everyone else, including his mum and dad, eat.  And I did it!  It tastes like tomato sauce and looks like the home made tomato sauce my mum and hubby make, but it has no tomatoes and only moderate salicylates.  The recipe is below and is very versatile.  We’ve tried it in various ways and has become an new addition to regular week night recipes.

We’ve also had another go at re-introducing high salicylate foods into Oscar’s diet, this time without any of the eczema or poo symptoms of previous attempts.  It started with stone fruits – our trees did very well with nectarines, and not so well with apricots and mulberries, this year – and Oscar was interested in picking them, and of course trying them.  We limited it each day to less than half a piece of a fruit. and so far so good.  The Nectarine Sour Cream Cake recipe below I made to use up some of the bucket loads of fruit we had.  It was also good because the fruit was on top, and I could take it off Oscar’s piece if I thought he’d already enough high sals for the day.  If amines are tolerated, this cake would work well with any type of fruit.  I’ve also started including a little bit of corn in his meals as well – I think that will take a while to accept.  Which is  a shame, because before his diagnosis corn on the cob was one of his favourite foods.  But I have hope that he will be able to eat high salicylate foods one day, and that “yellow” vegetables will also become acceptable.

This year I’m only going to blog once per week to start with.  I need to spend some time transferring all my older recipes into the new format I’ve been using since transferring to WordPress, this will make them easier to print and search for.  I also have lots more recipes that I want to try/modify and need a bit more time to work on those.


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5 Responses to No-Tomato Sauce & Nectarine and Sour Cream Cake

  1. Bri says:

    Sorry I’ve you posted this somewhere else, but how long does the No-Tomato Sauce last in the fridge?

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Hi Bri,
      if you just pour it into a container and store in the fridge, probably about 2 weeks. If it’s been poured into sterilised jars and sealed, once the jars are opened and refrigerated I get about a month.

  2. Mari says:

    Love the recipe for No-Tomato Sauce, will be trying in on my cooking day tomorrow.

  3. TortoiseMum says:

    Thanks for these! I think that we might be getting to the point where we could try that sauce 🙂 It’s a lot more carrots than we can currently tolerate, but I guess she’ll only eat a bit of the sauce at a time. I have a Miss Robens’ wheat free pizza base I could put it on as a pizza sauce but I wonder what I could put on top. I have been thinking about trying her on chemical free bacon soon if I can source some and afford it. Wouldn’t that be exciting! Something to aim for later in the new year I think. There’s a new farmers’ market starting here in February, and I think there will be a chemical free pork supplier there. I might see what I can come up with. Will keep you posted.

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Good luck with the pizzas. The preservative free ham is great if you can get some. Oscar loves his ham and cheese pizzas, with just some garlic oil spread over the base. Other toppings that are good are thinly sliced cooked potatoes and chicken – either mince, fried with some garlic and spring onions, or just cook extra when your cooking for other meals. Look forward to hearing how it goes.