Devil’s Food Cup Cakes

I just had to try this recipe when I found it.  Devil’s Food Cup Cakes that had nothing in them – no dairy, no eggs, no sugar, gluten-free, soy-fee and corn-free!  I was sooo impressed that I made them several times trying various combinations – carob/cocoa, milk/rice milk/almond milk, butter/nuttelex/oil, rice malt/maple syrup.    I made a few variations from the original recipe and added my own alternatives.  They were great every time. Everyone loved them and no-one could tell that the first batch I made were with carob.  The frosting is optional; if nuts aren’t allowed you could leave them plain, dust them in icing sugar or use a plain or butter-cream icing instead.

And of course, we had to make dinosuar ones, plus some cave men and rocks:


Carob Devils Food Cup Cakes



[gmc_recipe 6648]


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