Pumpkin, Sweet Potato and White Bean Stew (Slow Cooker)

My slow cooker has been getting a real work out the past few weeks.  Oscar has given up his day time sleeps (sob!) and is just a mess by the time he gets home from day care.  One of our strategies to combat this has been to make sure we have dinner right on 6 o’clock so that we can get him into bed earlier.  He has always been a night owl with a 8.30/9 pm bedtime for the last 2 or more years, but that won’t work any more.  Hence the slow cooker has been in weekly use.  I only work 3 days a week so we use the slow cooker once or twice a week and with leftovers we have those 3 nights covered.  It’s wonderful to come home and smell dinner, especially when the house is cold, it just feels warmer on those nights.  We prepare the meals the night before and have everything in the fridge in a large container ready to tip into the slow cooker in the morning.  My cooker is typically on for 10 hours and the food doesn’t taste over cooked or burnt.  I have discovered that a little bit of canola oil spray around the edge of the pot, before adding the food, stops it sticking to the sides at the liquid level when I’m not there to stir it.

This recipe is adapted from one on Nibbledish and it is lovely and sweet and warm.


[gmc_recipe 6896]


Coming Up Next Time: “Lemon” Delicious Pudding

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