Baked Donuts

I was inspired by the Baked Doughnuts recipe on Real Meals to give them a go myself; I’d always assumed there was something difficult about them, but these looked easy.  It took me ages to find a doughnut tray, in fact I couldn’t find one at all, but I did come across a mini bundt tray with 12 molds about the size of a donut.  So I bought it, took it home and made these great donuts.  I had to translate the Thermomix recipe into “normal” cooking, but it was still pretty easy.  The glaze recipe came from this one from La Mia Vita Dolce.


Oscar gave me a hand making the donuts and we all got into the decorating.


[gmc_recipe 6827]


 Coming up Next Time: Pumpkin, Potato and White Bean Stew

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2 Responses to Baked Donuts

  1. Danielle says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your story and resources. We are on week 3 of elimination with our 3 year old Ollie. Seeing good results, but lots of hard work for mum! Your site is a bit of a saviour at the moment. Thanks again D

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Thanks Danielle, I know how hard it can be, but hang in there, its worth it.