Using Up Leftovers: Oven Baked Frittata

Frittata’s are a great way to use up left over vegetables and meat and those odd bits of vegetable you have sitting in the bottom of the fridge at the end of the week.  Cooking the frittata in the oven rather than a frying pan means you don’t need to watch over it the whole time.  This recipe is very loosely based on a recipe from  I’ve written the ingredients for making it from scratch, but you can substitute any left overs you have on hand.


[gmc_recipe 3911]


Coming Up Next Time: Simple ideas for using up left over pastry


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2 Responses to Using Up Leftovers: Oven Baked Frittata

  1. Evelyn says:

    Ooooo la la! This I must try! Everything on your blog looks yummy to the tummy! 🙂