Last Minute Christmas Baking (and my final post for the year)

Four more days until Christmas!  Are you ready yet?  It’s been a bit of rush here, on top of moving, organising for our house to be demolished and finalising our building contract (the thought of my new kitchen keeps me going 🙂 ).

We had a street party last week (our old street) and I needed to bring an Oscar-suitable plate.  Coincidentally, Oscar had asked a couple of weeks before hand if I could make jam tarts for him.  We had pastry and jam on hand, so I decided to make them with a little Christmas twist. Not wanting to put the left over pastry back in the freezer I used it to make some cheese puffs, which went into Oscar’s lunch box for “lunch box week” at day care (so this is also my final “Lunch Box Wednesday post” – since I missed the last one!).  Both were quick, easy and suitably festive.

This is also my last post of the year.  I will be back towards the end of January.

Thank you to all my lovely readers/followers for a great year.  I really enjoy your feedback through comments and posts, and look forward to sharing the journey with you again next year.

Take care, and have a happy, safe and wonderful Christmas and holiday season.


[gmc_recipe 12648]

[gmc_recipe 12711]


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