| 12 |
Prep time
| 20 minutes |
Cook time
| 1 hour |
Total time
| 1 hour, 20 minutes |
Allergy / Intolerance
Amines, Artificial Addititives, Artificial Colours, Egg, Glutamates, Preservatives, Salicylates, Wheat
Suitable for
Amines Challenge, Gluten Free, RPAH Elimination Diet - Amines Allowed, RPAH Elimination Diet - Low Chemical / Failsafe, RPAH Elimination Diet – Very High Chemical, Salicylate Challenge
Meal type
Lunch, Main Dish
Child Friendly, Pre-preparable, Serve Warm
Home made tortillas
- 1 packet Miss Roben’s Tortilla Mix
- Sunflower oil
- Water
- Canola oil spray
- 1 Batch chicken meat balls (refer to recipe)
- 1 Batch refried beans (refer to recipe)
- Iceberg lettuce (shredded)
- Sour cream
- Natural yogurt (amines)
- Grated cheese (amines)
- Diced tomato (very high salicylates)
Warm a baking tray in the oven. |
Prepare the tortilla mix as per the instructions on the packet, adding the water slowly until you get a smooth and pliable batter. Let the batter sit for 10 minutes then shape into 12 balls and place onto a lined baking tray. If not cooking straight away, store the dough in the fridge covered with cling wrap until ready to cook. |
Heat a lightly oiled non-stick frying pan over medium heat. |
Lay a piece of cling wrap flat on your work bench and lightly spray with oil. Flatten one of the dough balls slightly and place onto the cling wrap. Lightly spray a second piece of cling wrap and place over the top of the dough. Roll the dough until it is very thin, it should be about 20cm in diameter. |
Peel the top piece of cling wrap off the tortilla. Peel the tortilla away from the bottom piece of cling wrap and place in the frying pan. Cook for about 2 minutes each side. Repeat for each tortilla. |
Moisten a clean tea towel and line the warmed baking tray. Place the cooked tortillas in the baking tray on top of the damp tea towel, and fold the tea towel over the top. Keep the tortillas covered to keep them pliable and moist. |  |
Serve while still warm. Fill the tortillas with refried beans, lettuce, meatballs and other allowed fillings, roll and enjoy! |
Low Chemical / Failsafe
Vary the fillings in the tortillas depending on each person's dietary requirements.
Refer here for the chicken meat balls and refried beans recipes.