Roast Chicken with Choko

Continuing on my mission to find ways to eat choko, we tried roasting it last weekend.  I roasted it two ways – skin off and skin on.  Roasted it tastes quite nice, like squash and the skin is edible, so I would leave the skin on in future.  We used the leftovers to make risotto the following night, and the skin was a bit tough by then, but easy to cut off.

We always cook a large chicken and twice as many vegetables as we need, so we have plenty of leftovers.

If you are avoiding amines, don’t eat the chicken skin.



[gmc_recipe 4184]

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2 Responses to Roast Chicken with Choko

  1. Stefana Vella says:

    I love the care you are taking to list what intolerances this dish is suitable for. However, you may not be aware that roast meat of any kind (slow cooked and browned) and particularly the skin of chicken is VERY high in amines. Not moderate or low.
    I am on a very strict no amine and low salicylate diet…
    You may need to modify.

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Hi Stefana,
      the amine levels of meat is discussed on the recipes page and chicken skin is listed as high amines in my shopping list. All my slow cooker recipes are listed as high amines and browning of meat is addressed in the recipes as well. I obviously missed mentioning the chicken skin in this recipe when I updated it to the new format, so thanks for picking that up.

