Pear and Vegetable Sauce

We are almost out of pear sauce, so I thought I’d try and sneak a few more vegetables into the next batch.  After a bit of research on the Internet it appeared that almost any kind of vegetable could go into chutney, so I decided to include some swede, leek and celery in this one.  The sauce is still very sweet, so next time I’ll add a few more vegies; maybe some red or white beans.

[gmc_recipe 2147]

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2 Responses to Pear and Vegetable Sauce

  1. Oscar's Mum says:

    We use this as a replacement for tomato sauce on sausages and rissoles. Sometimes its a good way to encourage Oscar to try something new (slather it in sauce), then once he's happy to eat it use less sauce, then none unless he asks.

  2. Michelle says:

    Glad to have found your blog as my daughter has just been diagnosed with a Salicylate intolerance. Unfortunately we also have a dairy and egg allergy to deal with as well, so her diet is pretty restricted! This sauce looks great, what do you use it with?