Chocolate Treats

The first of these recipes is based on the traditional rum ball recipe (without the rum) and dipped in chocolate.  The second is based on a Nigellarecipe.  Oscar and I were watching her Christmas episode a couple of nights before Christmas and when Oscar commented that the fudge would be “yummy in my tummy” I knew I had to make it.

Chocolate Balls and Chocolate Cashew Fudge
Chocolate Balls and Chocolate Cashew Fudge


[gmc_recipe 4838]


[gmc_recipe 4852]


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3 Responses to Chocolate Treats

  1. Oscar's Mum says:

    Hi Michele, the smarties are a special treat. There are no additives, preservatives or artificial colours in the smarties, but the natural food colours are high in salicylates.

  2. Michele says:

    thankyou for your wonderful blog and sharing this info. Have done FAILSAFE before with good results and looking to start again and its kind of daunting getting my head around it all again

    can I ask about the Smarties, I gather this is special occassion/rare treat food is that right as I thought hte Smarties would be out due to colors/additives that would normally be avoides


    [email protected]