5 Responses to Mum’s Chicken Casserole and Apple Cake

  1. kate says:

    I love LOVE this chicken casserole! So divine! Love that it tastes fantastic, without even using stock (thanks to the rinsing the pan trick!) Thankyou for sharing it! I have done it with lamb in this way, and its equally as wonderful. About to try beef.

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Thanks Kate, glad you enjoyed it. I hadn’t thought of doing that myself until mum did.

  2. lisa moore says:

    what can I use instead of sour cream because my 8 month old baby cannot have dairy due to allergy to dairy

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Soy yogurt is probably the closest alternative, although I haven’t tried it. Mix it with a little bit of lemon juice substitute to get that bit of tang. My mum makes sour cream with regular cream and lemon juice substitute and that works fine, so the yogurt should be similiar.

      If you try any of my recipes with non-dairy alternatives I’d love to hear how it goes so I can share it with others.