Christmas Wrap Up and Boxing Day Leftovers

Merry Christmas everyone.  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day and have been able to have an enjoyable long weekend (apart from those enormous hailstones and storms in Melbourne).

Our Christmas Day was very enjoyablel.   Our Oscar-friendly menu went down very well, with the only things not suitable being the prawns (sulphates) and the salads and desserts that other family members provided.   Having gone to all that effort, however, all Oscar had for lunch was bread rolls and butter!  He did at least eat the cheese cake for dessert.

Here’s how our Christmas day went….

Breakfast - Buckwheat pancakes with ricotta, pancakes and fried bananas

Christmas Nibbles

BBQ Scallops

BBQ Salmon

Bacon, Egg and Potato Salad

Preservative-free Ham Nugget

Cold Roast Chicken with Sweet Potato Stuffing


Chocolate Cashew Butter Cheesecake with Sarah Lee Honeycomb and Butterscotch Icecream


Oscar's Christmas Cake

Christmas dinner was left overs (we always over cater!) and there was still more leftover on Boxing Day, so I made a Boxing Day Paella and we had it with the last of the salads – this Oscar ate!


[gmc_recipe 2986]


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