Chicken Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries

Chicken Burgers (or burgers of any kind), are an easy, simple meal that can cater for people with and without a variety of dietary restrictions.  Get everything prepared, then let everyone add what they can eat.  It’s  also a lot of fun for kids to be allowed to serve themselves.  We had them with Sweet Potato Fries (continuing our orange food obsession) and Apple and Sour Cream Coleslaw.


[gmc_recipe 3612]


[gmc_recipe 3223]



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2 Responses to Chicken Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries

  1. Lily Bream says:

    This blog raises my hunger and I am very impress with the cooking moderation listed there. I was very amaze with the contents because some cooking blogs haven’t posted even preparation time. Very uniquely beautiful!

  2. Evelyn says:

    I did pork burger about 2 years back. It was yummy! Yours look so delicious! I am drooling already. 🙂