The Birthday Week – Two Chocolate Cakes

Hubby and I have our birthdays two  days apart.  Before Oscar came along we usually just had one celebration and never bothered with a cake.  Now there is an expectation of a cake and “party” for each of us.  Last weekend was birthday weekend, and it was a chocolate fest.  To reduce the amount of left over cake in the house I made a mini (10cm) cake for hubby’s birthday, decorated with the moon (marshmallow) and stars (white musk stick).  The recipe was based on one from Cake on the Brain and the cream icing from the Carob Cream recipe in the RPAH’s Friendly Food.  I used the tins from pears in syrup (no shortage of those here!) as my cake tins, but hubby must have been impressed as he bought me two 10cm cake tins as an early birthday present the next day!

Hubby made my Banana and cashew chocolate cake based on a Gabriel Gate’s Chocolate Cake Supreme  recipe from “Great Cakes and Desserts”.  That was a full size cake and extremely rich.  Luckily my parents were there to share it with, but we still took half of it to work on Monday.


[gmc_recipe 5284]


[gmc_recipe 5476]


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2 Responses to The Birthday Week – Two Chocolate Cakes

  1. Karen says:

    Hi there,

    Regarding your choko muffin recipe – you mention a milk mixture in the directions but there is no milk listed under ingredients.

    What is the quantity of milk to use? I am keen to try these on the kids as I have access to abundant chokos!! Regards


    • Oscars Mum says:

      Hi Karen, it’s 160ml. Thanks for picking that up, it obviously got dropped off when I reformatted the recipe. All fixed now.