Chicken and Bean Pasta, Pear and Roast Carob Muffins

Back to mid-week meals and baking this week.  The first recipe is Chicken and Bean Pasta, which is another great recipe for using up left over cooked chicken.  The second recipe is Pear and Carob muffins, which I modified from one on ninemsn, using carob powder instead of buttons.  And since I had no eggs at home I also made it egg-free – substituting water for the egg and they turned out fine.


[gmc_recipe 3916]


[gmc_recipe 3037]




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4 Responses to Chicken and Bean Pasta, Pear and Roast Carob Muffins

  1. lisa moore says:

    do you have a really delicious receipe for baked beans I just made some but the best food critic’s are my children and basically did not like them I even sprinkled cheese on their baked beans. I hope you can help. Thank you. Lisa

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Hi Lisa,
      I’m still working on a baked bean recipe myself. But if you come up with a good one please let me know.

  2. lisa moore says:

    can I replace the ricotta cheese for a soy cream cheese for chicken pasta dish my 8 month has an allergy to dairy.

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Hi Lisa,
      I’ve never done that before but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.