Salads for Summer and Christmas

I’ve already listed a few salads for Christmas in my Christmas Menu post; but with the sudden appearance of the warm weather I have been experimenting with a few more that I thought I would share.  The inspiration for this post came from the Orgran Vegetable Spiral Pasta that I recently tried on Oscar.  He initially rejected it outright until I told him it was Christmas Pasta (red and green) – which made it very appealing all of a sudden 🙂 .  So of course when I used it again the next week in a pasta salad it became “Christmas Salad”!  The maple syrup vinaigrette is something I played around with a bit last summer but never posted and it goes well with the Christmas theme.  My Pear and Paw Paw Salad is really just a variation on the salsa that I use with salmon.  I love noodle salads and the noodles goes very well with the salsa and some lettuce.  The two potatoes salad is a very simple variation on a potato salad which we were making long before the elimination diet.  So as the weather warms up (for my Aussie readers at least!) it’s time to bring on the salads.

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 Coming up Next Time: A Christmas Gingerbread House


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