Ice Cream Bombe

With Australia Day coming up and many Australia Day Barbecues happening round the country I thought it would be timely to post this Ice Cream Bombe recipe, as it makes a great dessert on a hot day (and there’s a good chance it will be hot).  My inspiration for this recipe was Domestic Diva’s Ice Cream Bombe, in fact I copied her and had it for dessert at Christmas dinner, with our Gingerbread House – a perfect combination!

Ice Cream Bombe and Gingerbread House

Ice Cream Bombe and Gingerbread House for Christmas Lunch

Given that we can have amines, our choices of flavours were a bit broader, so I chose banana and chocolate, with some honeycomb in the middle.  If you want to make one of these yourself you can use any combination of flavours and types of ice cream, and any numbers of layers – whatever you can have.  The Ice Magic (Magic Shell in the US) recipe is from Picky Palate, I just swapped coconut oil for vegetable oil, similar to the chocolate coating I used to make Wagon Wheels.  The Chocolate Syrup recipe is from Small Notebook, I just halved it as I didn’t need that much syrup.


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