Jelly and Jelly Slice

I wasn’t planning on posting any recipes this early in the new year, but as I’ve come up with quite a few new ones for summer it seemed a shame not to post them during summer.

Today’s recipes are jelly and jelly slice.  Not that special really – unless you can’t buy those convenient little packets of jelly crystals in the super market 🙁 .  Oscar had surgery a few days before Christmas and I had promised him some jelly for when he got home, so I made some lemonade and pear jelly cups.  He ate three of them for dinner the day he got home!  Then, in anticipation of the heat wave yesterday I made jelly slice.  I used a pretty basic recipe as a guide, and used the lemonade jelly with a few drops of food colour.

I’ve included all the recipes, plus a previously posted one for paw paw jelly.


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