Playing with My New Ice Cream Maker: Paw Paw Sorbet and Sweet Potato Ice Cream

For Christmas this year I asked hubby to get me an Ice Cream Maker.  Which he did, and we have been having fun making ice cream and sorbet over summer.  The first thing I tried (the day after boxing day) was Sweet Potato Ice Cream.  We tried this in Japan and loved it; and wanted to make it at home.  This was the inspiration for the Ice Cream Maker request.  I found a recipe by Michael Booth and it only needed a couple of tweaks to make it suitable for Oscar.  I really can’t remember what the ice cream tasted like in Japan, so I don’t know how close it was to real thing, but regardless – it was good!


The next cab off the rank was a sorbet – Paw Paw Sorbet.  So simple, fresh and easy.

I have a long list of other flavours to try before the warm weather ends, so I’ll be back with more, and hope you enjoy these in the meantime.


[gmc_recipe 9888]


[gmc_recipe 9887]


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One Response to Playing with My New Ice Cream Maker: Paw Paw Sorbet and Sweet Potato Ice Cream

  1. Evelyn says:

    YUMMY!!!!!! 🙂