Best Ever Carob Cake (or Chocolate Cake without Chocolate)

Last weekend was my Dad’s 65th birthday, so the whole family was at Mum and Dad’s to celebrate.  My nephew has recently started on the elimination diet, so my Mum wanted to make a cake that he could have and was thinking of a carob cake.  I’ve been making chocolate cakes for my Dad’s birthday since I was a kid, and having recently discovered the best ever carob cake recipe I offered to make it.  I found the original recipe on, which was called “The Ultimate Carob Cake” developed as a Feingold recipe.  I was a bit dubious about the title but was really amazed when I tried it.

Oscar calls anything brown “chocolate” so he told everyone I was making a chocolate cake.  When my niece asked if I was making chocolate cake and told me she and her brother couldn’t eat chocolate, I explained that it was a special chocolate cake without chocolate.  and it was.

This cake is so light and moist and will keep for several days (if there is any left!), and it has a really lovely flavour.  I halved the amount of sugar in the original recipe and used half wholemeal flour, I also substituted decaf coffee for the real thing.  I used an old-fashioned jam and cream filling and topped it off with the carob butter cream icing from the Friendly Food book.  The result was delicious and it received lots of good comments.

[gmc_recipe 10376]

Carob Birthday Cake with Jam and Cream Filling

 Happy Birthday Dad.  We love you!

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2 Responses to Best Ever Carob Cake (or Chocolate Cake without Chocolate)

  1. Emma-Jane says:

    This cake IS fabulous. I discovered the same recipe and make this cake as Easter egg shaped muffins for my nephew every year as he doesn’t tolerate chocolate.