Oscar’s Heart Love Cake

The commercialism of Valentine’s Day reached Oscar this year.  Hubby and I usually ignore it, but Oscar insisted that we needed to have something special for dinner, so we made a “heart love” cake.  I had shared some instruction on Facebook for a heart cake made from a square cake and a circle cake, but that was too much cake for three people, so I made my own template and cut the heart out of a round cake – I’ve even saved the template for another time and included it in the recipe.

This cake is so cute and easy you don’t need to wait until next Valentine’s day, make it for any special occasion or a little girl’s birthday party.

We made a banana chocolate cake, but you can use any favourite cake that can be cut (placing them in the freezer for a couple of hours helps).  Some FAILSAFE/Low Chemical options are:

Best Ever Carob Cake

Vanilla Cake

Coffee Cake

[gmc_recipe 12782]


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