Back to Day Care

Oscar went back to day care on Monday, so Sunday afternoon was spent putting together his supplies.  He has a list of allowed foods that he can have at the centre and we provide 3 out of 4 lunches each week as well as some of his snacks.We made cupcakes (which go in the freezer for when other kids bring in birthday cakes) and muesli bars.  We also packed some dried fruit and Pear and Vanilla jam.


The cupcake recipe below is based on the butter cakes recipe from the Friendly Food book.

Cupcakes with Chocolate Icing and 100s and 1000s
[gmc_recipe 3543]
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2 Responses to Back to Day Care

  1. Marnie says:

    Thank you for a great recipe again. Is it meant to be self-raising flour? You have accidentally written plain as well.

    Thank you for all the information that you share.