The Birthday Party Project #1

Oscar’s birthday is coming up in August and he’s having his first “kids party”.  The first 2 birthdays where just with family, but this year we will be inviting friends from day care.  If there’s one occasion when no food should be off-limits to Oscar it’s his birthday party, so I have identified some party food recipes that I think I can modify, and I’m going to give them all a test run between now and then.  To avoid eating party food everyday for the next 2 months we will try a bit at home then I’ll take the rest in to work.I tried out the first receipe last week – Cocomallows from  I wanted to try this one first to test out natural food colouring on Oscar.  Natural food colouring is high in salicylates and on his current re-introduction list.  If some natural food colouring here was OK, then I could use some to decorate his cake (which started out as Iggle Piggle, then a train and now a green dinosaur!).  Unfortunately it didn’t work too well.  24 hours after eating the first piece we had an accident, he ate a 2nd piece that night and we had another accident in the morning.  Interstingly, even though he liked them he ate less than half of each piece.  He later told me they made him feel sick.  This might be true, but he says the same thing about beans and carrots, so its hard to tell.  To confuse the issue he has also had asthma for the past week and been taking ventolin everyday.  The last time he took ventolin he was still in napppies, so we would never have known if he was having this kind of reaction.

This is a real shame, because they are delicious – I got heaps of volounteers at work to taste test more recipes!.  I may still make marshmallows for the party, but I’ll play it safe and stick to white.


[gmc_recipe 4892]



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