Pumpkin Rings with Mashed Potato and Steamed Bok Choy

This is a very simple moderate chemical (amines & salicylates) meal – baked salmon, mashed potato, pumpkin and bok choy.  To make it a bit more interesting I made roasted pumpkin rings topped with mashed potato.  The bok choy recipe I found on Martha Stewart’s site,

Pumpkin Rings, Salmon and Steamed Bok Choy

Pumpkin Rings, Salmon and Steamed Bok Choy








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4 Responses to Pumpkin Rings with Mashed Potato and Steamed Bok Choy

  1. Karen Hanlon says:

    Thanks for that and thanks also for all your great recipes. I have so enjoyed having some new meals to try out.

  2. Karen Hanlon says:

    I have noticed that you use rice bran oil rather than canola or sunflower oil in a lot of your recipes. I’m curious to know why?

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Hi Karen,
      mostly it’s just because I prefer the flavour for cooking with, but Rice Bran Oil also has a higher smoking point so the nutrients in it don’t break down at the lower temperatures other oils do. I use very little canola oil, only as a spray, because I’m wary of those stories about a cancer link. I use sunflower oil a lot in baking. Any of them can be substituted, it just comes down to personal preference.