Chicken and Risoni Salad

Making mayonnaise is not one of my strong suits and the ones I’ve tried out of the Failsafe cookbook have been too sweet for my liking.  Finally I’ve found a very easy, eggless mayonnaise recipe, which adapted well to a few changes.  Combined with some left over  chicken and vegetables, a can of beans and some pasta, it was great in this pasta salad.  This is also the first salad Oscar has eaten.  He loved the mayonnaise and has since had it with other meals.  We also exploited that fascination that little boys have with bodily functions by telling him that if he ate the beans he would do “smelly pops”.  It worked, he has even asked us to add some “smelly pop beans” to other dinners!

[gmc_recipe 2550]


[gmc_recipe 2544]




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4 Responses to Chicken and Risoni Salad

  1. Reegan says:

    Lovely sounding recipe! How much salt do you like to put in?
    p.s For a rice milk sub, I found this website:

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Thanks for the evaporated milk link Reegan. I usually just use a pinch of salt (about 1/8 tspn).

  2. TortoiseMum says:

    So much inspiration here! TT has never eaten salad either, and I would love to share one with her with the festive season upon us.

    I wonder if I could substitute rice milk for the evaporated milk? What do you think?

    • Oscars Mum says:

      I think rice milk might work as evaporated milk is thin like milk, but it might be too thin. I came across some evaporated milk substitutes a while ago when I had run out and was searching for an alternative. I didn’t try the rice milk one, but here is the link: