Home Made Pizzas

Pizza’s used to be a pretty regular menu item in our house before the elimination diet came along – take away ones that is.  From our very first week of the elimination diet, home made pizzas have been a bit of a staple.  We usually make them after having a roast chicken (using the leftovers), but since adding ham (Amines) back into our diet we have a few more options.  We use a pizza stone in our oven to cook the pizzas, you could use an oven tray, but the base may not be as crisp.

We use pita breads as the bases, my favourite one is “Mr Pitta Traditional Pita Greek Souvlaki”, which is bit thicker than the other pita breads.  Pitas are usually low chemical, although some contain vinegar, which means they will have a small amount of salicylates.  Over the base we spread either garlic oil or leek sauce (the recipe is from the Failsafe Cookbook).


Chicken and Potato Pizza

Roast Vegetable and Chicken Pizza

Pizza with garlic oil, roasted sweet potato and chicken, chives, fetta and mozzarella.

Pizza with garlic oil, cooked chicken, potato, chives and mozzarella.
 [gmc_recipe 3762]
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6 Responses to Home Made Pizzas

  1. Liz says:

    We use pear sauce to replace tomato paste and then l/o chicken with a slight sprinkling of mild cheese. If you could do dairy but not amines, you could use a little cottage cheese sprinkled with rice crumbs as a “cheese-ish” topping.

  2. Oscar's Mum says:

    Thank you for all your comments. I'm happy to hear you've found my blog useful.

  3. vincent says:


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  4. Medifast Diet says:

    It does really look like a nice pizza. Thanks for sharing your pictures and recipe.

  5. Alisa says:

    It looks like a great pizza.I came across your site from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this pizza widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about pizza,Thanks!