Lunch Box Wednesday #2

Oscar and I have been busy trying out new snacks this month.  His favourite was the Pear and Vegetable Bread (cake of course! – adapted from a recipe on  ), but he was also pretty impressed at having peeled apples in his snack box.  When he asked for apple to be included in his lunch box for lunch box week, I had to explain that the apples would go brown if I peeled them and that he couldn’t use the peeler well enough to do it himself (no teacher help allowed with the food).  Finding a way to include them was a priority, and luckily for me Nicole from Planning with Kids had already done it.  I tested the fruit over an 8 eight hour period and it lasted pretty well – see for yourself in the photos.  The pears were very ripe and getting a bit fluffy on the outside, but they still held up well. Only a small change in colour in both the apples and pears, but not brown and yucky looking.

The third thing we tried were chewy gluten-free crackers.  These were not a hit with Oscar (although I intend to keep trying them on him) but I loved them.  I took them to work for my morning snack for the week, but they do need to be kept in the fridge if not eaten within a couple of days.  The ones I kept in a container on the bench were mouldy by day 3.  The chewy crackers are based on a recipe from Oh She Glows.

 Previous Lunch Box Wednesday Posts:

Lunch Box Wednesday #1 – Rice Balls, Egg Rolls, Carrot and Zucchini Muesli Bars


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4 Responses to Lunch Box Wednesday #2

  1. Aubs says:

    Does the salt water soak change the flavor of the pears/apples at all?

  2. Oscars Mum says:

    Hi Reegan,
    I used quinoa grains for that recipe, black ones for the crackers in the photo but red or white or a combination are fine as well. 🙂

  3. Reegan says:

    Thanks for the great cracker recipe – looking forward to trying it.
    Quick question> Did you use quinoa flakes?