Lunch Box Wednesday #1

I have set myself a mission this year to come up with some more snack and lunch box ideas for Oscar before he starts school next year.  So to keep me on track I am going to post my new ideas on the last Wednesday of the month – “Lunch Box Wednesday”.  This first post isn’t actually anything new, but I recently wrote a guest post on Little Bento Blog, “Lunches and Snack Ideas on limited diet”, and realised that not all of those ideas are actually on my blog.  So that post is the starting point for the first “Lunch Box Wednesday”.

Recipes are linked in the captions, and new recipes are at the end of the post.

Oscar loves this little Cars box, sent to him for Christmas from friends in Japan.

Snack Box with pretzels, dried fruit, cashews, carrot shapes, biscuits and cereal bites.

Snack Box with pretzels, rice crackers, cashews, carrot shapes, biscuits and cereal bites.


This cute little bento box was Oscar’s first snack box.  He is so proud when he takes it out with him.  I bought this one online from Japan a couple of years ago, but you can now by them quite easily in Australia, including from a new store from Little Bento Blog (that was a free, unsolicited plug 🙂 ).

Japanese Snack Box

Japanese Snack Box

Snack Box with pretzels, cereal bites and dried fruit.

Snack Box with pretzels, cereal bites and dried fruit.

The egg rolls (see recipe below) in this lunch box are super easy to make and the cute little toothpicks (Japanese) make them a bit more fun.  The carrots are cut using Japanese vegetable cutters  (I keep the leftover carrot bits in a bag in the freezer for making stock).

Lunch box with Egg Rolls and carrot shapes.

Lunch box with Egg Rolls and carrot shapes.

Muesli Bars are a favourite lunch/snack box treat for Oscar.  My favourite recipe (see below) is one I adapted from Real Meals that has carrots and zucchini in it.  This makes it moderate salicylates of course, but if you’re looking for a low chemical or FAILSAFE version you can try my Chewy Muesli Bars or Cereal Bars recipes.

Lunch Box with Muesli Bar.

Lunch Box with Cereal Bar.

Rice balls are very easy to make, these ones have been shaped using Japanese rice molds, but rolling balls in your hands work just as well.  Sushi rice works best as it is stickier.   These ones are served with Failsafe Foodie’s Magic Sauce, which I’ve put into a little “truck” condiment bottle.  The bottle is also from Japan and comes with a little syringe for transferring the liquid into – it’s a bit fiddly but adds a bit of fun.



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