St Patrick’s Day Recipes

It’s St Patrick’s Day on Monday, so here are a couple of ideas to help you celebrate.  They’re not green, but they are Irish, so it still counts – and even better, they are FAILSAFE.  The Apple/Pear Barley Pudding is really delicious, and if you have the time or inclination, can be be presented very fancily.  The Irish Potato Bread is easy to make and is great as a side dish or with eggs for breakfast.

To get the “green” effect, try serving these recipes in green dishes, or decorate the table in green (table cloths, serviettes, etc.).

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2 Responses to St Patrick’s Day Recipes

  1. Viviane says:

    Thanks very much for your helpful website and, especially, for alerting me to the fact that the RPAH Handbook has been updated. Unfortunately, I am also sensitive to dairy and yeast, as well as amines, salicylate and glutamate so I can’t use some of your recipes. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to trying the irish potato bread and some of your interesting sauces. And you have encouraged me to continue to re-introduce moderate-level foods from time to time.

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Thank you Viviane, I hope you do at least find some inspiration here.