Chicken Souvlaki Wraps

Part of our strategy to get Oscar more interested in food, especially vegetables, is to get him involved in cooking them and serving himself.   Wraps are great for that, and these aren’t really souvlaki, but you get the idea.  They are also one of those meals, where you can cater for different dietary requirements by having everyone add what they can eat, such as tomatoes, cheese, different dressings, etc..  In keeping with the Greek theme I’ve used a yoghurt marinade and BBQ meat, but if amines are problem, you can use any cooked meat.  The yoghurt marinade recipe is from The Failsafe Cook Book, while the delicious honmus recipe is adapted from the Real Meals thermomix recipe.

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4 Responses to Chicken Souvlaki Wraps

  1. LisaW says:

    Thank you!!

    My mum was a really boring cook, and I’ve always been too scared to experiment with food in case it didn’t work and we had nothing to eat, so having someone who has done all the experimenting already is kinda handy! Thanks so much for the quick reply.

    Hopefully after some time with all this I’ll start to get the hang of what kind of flavours go together myself 🙂

    • Oscars Mum says:

      Your welcome Lisa. That’s exactly why I started the blog, it’s really hard to think of recipes, monitor everything that’s going into them and basically learn to cook again. You’ll get the hang of it after a while.

  2. LisaW says:

    Argh! Got part way through making the hommus, and realised I don’t have pear sauce! I could possibly take the chickpeas etc out of the processor and then make the chutney and then make the pear sauce…. except I don’t have a leek! Argh! So…

    Any suggestions of what to add to the hummus to replace the pear sauce that’s easier than all that? lol Especially since it only needs 2 tablespoons….
