Meatloaf for Christmas? Absolutely!

I’ve never made meatloaf before, in fact I don’t think I have every eaten it.  I’m not sure why, but it’s just never appealed to me before.  Domestic Diva posted a meatloaf recipe a few weeks ago, which I thought Oscar might like because of the egg inside it.  But before I could try it, this recipe from Essential Kids appeared and I immediately thought of Christmas.  The loaded mini-meatloves looked a bit Christmassy with the white, green and red, but it was the suggestion to make canape sized ones  that caught my attention.  So I made both.  I used 2/3 of the mix to make the bigger potato topped ones, and the remaining 1/3 to make the bite sized ones for dipping.  Once again, Failsafe Foodie’s Magic Sauce was a winner.  And this is why I think you can have meatloaf for Christmas.

I was pretty surprised that I liked them since I normally don’t eat beef because of the taste, but I will be making these again on a regular basis.  Unfortunately Oscar thought the ones “on sticks” were the best so I’ll have a to make a few of those each time.  But he did eat at least twice as much as I expected him to, so I can’t complain really!  They are also really good cold, so great for a snack or in sandwiches.

These recipes are made with a mixture of pork and beef, but they would still taste great with beef only or as a chicken version.   The concept would work just as well with your favourite meatloaf recipe.


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Coming Up Next Time: Christmas Menu Ideas

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